Coming soon...

The Internationalisation team works to support international, religious and cultural groups of students on campus. We see ourselves as allies, creators of spaces where people and ideas can connect to enhance students’ feeling of belonging and community in support of self-expression. We do it by providing ongoing support and resources to groups and societies that wish to organise campaigns and events that observe and celebrate festivals and significant days/months, raise awareness about significant issues, or just make this campus feel welcoming and internationally aware and positive. In addition, we work closely with groups to hear their voices and ideas so we can act on them, organise networking events and run an online platform that connects student groups together. In our community work we join the efforts of liberation officers to celebrate and highlight experiences of the students they support.

We can provide support and resources to help you in the areas of:

  • engagement with your membership
  • themed campaigns 
  • promoting the work of your society or group
  • planning and executing activities and events

  • room booking and storage 
  • society re-affiliation
  • funding