An AGM should be held every year to elect the new Exec for the upcoming year and to discuss and vote on any changes to the running of the society or to make changes to your society constitution. 

Before the AGM, a review of the Exec role should be carried out where you will need to decide which roles will be needed for the upcoming year. You may think about the positives and negatives of how the Exec has functioned in the past and make any changes based on this. 

You will then need to set a date for your AGM, book a room and advertise the AGM to your society members. For the AGM to be constitutional, you will need a minimum of 25% of your members to attend. 

The way you run your AGM is up to you. We would suggest that:

  • Prior to the event, you set a deadline for people to nominate themselves so that you can organise the running process for the AGM
  • Set clear rules for campaigning and husting to ensure the process is fair 
  • Ensure you have a clear voting system and pre-made voting slips (you needs to ensure that RON is on the voting slip)
  • List any constitutional changes that will be voted on at the AGM
  • Make the AGM fun! Include a round-up of the year with photos and videos and organise a social for after