The Students' Union is a registered charity that exists to support the education of current students at Lancaster University.

This means that all Union resources, including financial and staff time, are used to predominantly benefit students.

This means that groups affiliated to the Students' Union, can only use Union resources to raise funds for themselves or the Students' Union. 

When raising money, there are some things to note: 

• Any money which is raised for another charity needs to clearly display which charity the money will go to.

• Be clear if all proceeds are going to the charity or just the profits (after taking out any expenses)

• Any money raised needs to be placed into the RAG account held in the Students' Unioin instead of any private accounts.

• Raise money in a lawful way, there may be some rules you need to follow. 

• Be creative and innovative in raising money.

• Make sure you promote and shout about the great work you have done.

If you have any questions or would like any advice please get in touch with us by emailing