Lancaster University kindly lets student activity groups use spaces across campus outside of teaching hours. For most spaces this is between 6pm-10pm on weekdays and all day on weekends, however in the Great Hall Complex and Faraday spaces bookings on weekdays will end at 9:30pm. When using space you must leave it clean and ready for the next group whether that be another society or for teaching the following day.
Here are a few quick pieces of advice to follow:
- There should be floor plans on the wall in every teaching space with how the room needs to be left after your session, so if you don't get any other verbal/written instruction, then follow this.
- If you are the last group scheduled to be using the space, then you are responsible for clearing the space and setting it up for the teaching the following day.
- If a porter gives verbal instructions, then ask their name and email address, and send a confirmation to them after you've set the room up, acknowledging you've followed the instruction they gave.
- If you're unable to follow their instructions, for whatever reason, then set up as much as you can and send them an email to say why you couldn't complete as requested, perhaps with a photo of the space as you left it. This demonstrates that you at least tried to follow instructions. Copy in to your email.
- If you arrive in a space and there is rubbish in the space, it would be helpful if you could send us information about this, so we can document it and speak to the group that used the space before you.
- Music is strictly authorized to be played in Alex Square between 1pm and 2pm only and is prohibited during the quiet period in Term 3. Alex Square is surrounded by teaching and study spaces as well as student accommodation, please respect this and keep noise to a minimum.