‘How To’ Online Hustings with Microsoft Teams
Since all Lancaster Students & Staff have full access to Microsoft Teams and in many cases are already frequently using this app, we thought this would be a really great platform to use for hustings as it has a great deal of other tools for communicating with your membership.
Step by Step:
- Login to Microsoft Teams via your @Lancaster Office 365 Account
- Create a new Team, this could be for the Society in general, your members or specifically for hustings. You can create as many teams as you like and delete them when they are no longer needed.
- Add your members to the team, all Lancaster students and staff will be able to be added. Alternatively if you have a high volume of members you can generate a ‘join code’ and members can then add themselves into the team. The following guide will show you how to do this https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-link-or-a-code-for-joining-a-team-11b0de3b-9288-4cb4-bc49-795e7028296f?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us
- Arrange your meeting using the video Icon at the bottom of the window. During meetings with large groups we would advise that MIC & video only be switched on when someone is presenting/speaking and using the chat box for members to ask questions.
- Polling/Balloting – There is an app in Teams called ‘Polly’ which can be used to record anonymous voting. This can be added into your team chat, simply select the dotted line at the bottom of the window as seen in the picture above and select ‘More Apps’ and search for ‘Polly’.
- Setup your polls using this app. You can schedule the date and time for these to go live and for voting to end. You can select to make the vote anonymous which will make all results completely anonymous even to the person that created the poll. You can also select for results to be shown in real time as and when people vote, or for all results to be hidden until the end of the election.
- When voting is over the results will be displayed.
- Don't forget to register your new Exec team with the Union!