Lancaster University Students’ Union Internationalisation and Community Funding Policy
1. Who can apply:
1.1. Funding will be granted by Societies Committee for requests that demonstrate that they reflect and support the delivery of Lancaster University Students’ Union strategic aims:
and strengthen and enhance the values of diversity, sharing, belonging, collaboration between home and international students as well as with local community. This funding is available for Lancaster University students – acting as individuals, student led project groups, or affiliated Lancaster University Students’ Union societies who have interest in and focus on:
a) facilitating international and cultural exchange, sharing experiences and enabling dialogue on and off campus.
b) partnership and collaboration with local community organisations.
c) supporting creation of inclusive and welcoming on campus community.
1.2. The following conditions must be met for an application to be considered:
1.2.1. The application is made by the Executive of the society/group or by an individual (in case of individual or unaffiliated society application).
1.2.3. The funds will benefit on campus student community not individual members or only the applying group itself.
1.2.4. The application supports LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION’s and Internationalisation and Community team strategic aims and values.
1.2.5. The application is in line with LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION’s Financial Regulations.
1.2.6. The application is not made retrospectively.
1.3. The funding will be distributed to provide the greatest value for money for LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS.
1.4. This funding policy may be amended at any time by proposing changes to Societies Committee. A simple majority vote at Societies Committee will approve any changes.
2. Objectives of funding:
To support the delivery of LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION strategic aims as expressed in the statements below:
- I feel like I belong.
- I’m actively involved in university life at Lancaster.
- My university experience is preparing me for my future.
- I feel I can make my voice heard through our SU and we’re collective force for a positive change:
- To improve quality of international students’ experience.
- Enable quality community building and volunteering experience.
- To improve opportunities for collaboration between international and home students.
- To enhance understanding and appreciation coming with the diversity of cultural, ethnic religious backgrounds among students.
- To build partnerships with local community based on shared values.
- To strengthen engagement with local community partners.
3. Funding Available:
3.1 Funding is available for:
3.1.1. Equipment
3.1.2. Transport costs
3.1.3. Tech and events team support
3.1.4. Catering fees
3.1.5. Room rent
3.1.6. Decoration
3.1.7. Promotion of the event
3.2. We cannot fund:
3.2.1. Events where alcohol is served (even if funding is not requested for alcohol in particular).
3.2.2. Events aimed at raising funds for other charities.
3.2.3. Retrospective payments (You can’t apply to fund something that has already occurred).
3.2.4. Additional insurance.
3.2.5. Anything that undermines the law or our financial regulations.
3.2.6. Repairs necessary due to neglect.
3.2.7. Fines.
3.2.8. Funding for external charities.
3.2.9. Legal fees.
3.3. Requests for funding outside of these areas may also be considered by Societies Committee.
3.4. There is an expectation that in case of affiliated societies there will be some contribution towards funding requests.
3.5. All interested are encouraged to discuss their proposal with relevant staff prior to submission.
3.6. If you apply as an affiliated society we won’t fund same activities more than twice in a year. The core activity of the group should be able to be covered by the group itself. We need to know you are still able to operate the society.
3.7. Events organised by cultural societies, and groups or community partnership focused societies and groups as marked in the LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION Internationalisation and Community annual calendar will have priority in accessing the funding. To ensure the event is recognised on the calendar it needs to be part of annual plans of the society/group and agreed on with Internationalisation and Community team member during annual calendar planning meetings. To learn about the next calendar review please email
3.8. We have a limited budget that changes on annual basis. Currently we are able to award maximum amount of £500 per project.
3.9. Funding applications are open until funding runs out. In case of funding is exhausted for the academic year this information will be made public using SU communication.
3.10. Request above certain amount would be discussed separately, the budget for funding changes on annual basis.
4. Funding Process:
4.1. Applications can be made at any time and will be circulated for the next available meeting of the Societies Committee.
4.2. Applications for the next/following Academic year may be made from Week 5 of the Summer term.
4.2.1. Applications must be made min 4 weeks before the event using the solutions ticketing system online funding application form.
4.3. It is expected that funding requests will be discussed with the relevant member of the Internationalisation and Community team prior to submission.
4.4. Requests for Funding will be made to the Societies Committee by submitting:
4.4.1. The Funding Application form, service agreement signed by 2 Exec members, annual budget (affiliated LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION societies).
4.4.2. The Funding Application form, service agreement signed by 2 representatives of the group, full budget breakdown of costs, detailed action plan, floor plan, risk assessment and relevant quotes and certificates (non - affiliated student led project groups and individuals).
4.5. The Societies Committee may choose to allocate from another budget, if it is more relevant.
4.6. The relevant member of the Internationalisation and Community team will check applications to ensure they meet the above eligibility criteria. Eligible applications will be passed to the Societies Committee usually no less than 48 hours before they meet.
4.7. Funding Applications will be considered at the nearest meeting of Societies Committee.
4.8. All applications must be treated without prejudice.
4.9. Where an application has been made by a group/society which has a member on Societies Committee or a member of Societies Committee has a vested interest in it, the member must declare an interest and will not vote on this application.
4.10. Applications will be accepted or declined by a simple majority vote after a discussion on the funding application.
4.11. All successful funding applications will have a deadline for use of the funds; this will be considered as part of the application process. Any funds not used by this deadline will be reclaimed.
4.12. Societies Committee will notify applicants with successful applications and the LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION Finance Office within 48 hours of a decision via email.
4.13. All funding must be claimed within the financial year (by 31st July) in which it is allocated.
4.14. This funding process applies to all groups, individuals and societies applying (also if the event features in the LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION Internationalisation and Community Annual calendar).
4.15. Applying for funding doesn’t automatically mean receiving the funding.
5. Emergency Funding:
5.1. A meeting with the relevant member of the Internationalisation and Community team must take place first to determine whether an Emergency Funding application is the right course of action.
5.2. Emergency funding is not an alternative to the standard funding procedure and applications can only be submitted at the discretion of the relevant member of the Internationalisation and Community team.
5.3. Applications can be submitted at any time of year with a maximum of 1 application per society/group/individual each term.
5.4. The application must meet the criteria as defined in section 1 -3 of this Funding Policy.
5.5. Applications will be considered and accepted or declined by the relevant member of the Internationalisation and Community team.
5.6. The applicant will receive the outcome within 7 days of submission.
5.7. All allocated funding must be claimed by the last day of the term it was granted in. Unclaimed funding will be returned to the funding pot at this point.
6. If funding is provided by LANCASTER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION:
6.1. If you are awarded any funding from the Internationalisation and Community Fund, you must:
6.1.1. Display Lancaster University Students’ Union logo on any promotional material advertising the activity or event. This includes (but is not limited to) posters, leaflets and on social media, for example. Current Students’ Union logo is available for download here
6.1.2. Marketing must be in English as well as any other language to make it accessible.
6.1.3.Use the hashtag: #togetherlancaster alongside any other hashtags on social media.
6.1.4. Provide photos of the event or allow a photographer to take photos.
6.1.5. Provide feedback after the event including attendance numbers, photographs, a blog or short paragraph about the event.
6.1.6. Ensure you had completed Risk Assessment prior to applying for funding.
6.1.7. All for the above helps us promote your groups, events and also support us build a portfolio of inspirations for other students, groups and societies.