Attached is the Order of Service.

This is a student led event, coordinated by Union staff as needed.

Parties involved are usually:

  • The Music Society Brass Band
  • Representatives from North West Officer Training Regiment (Alexandra Barracks, Caton Road), Army Reserve, Royal Air Force Reserve, Navy Reserve
  • Representative of the student body (this could be a FTO, or other Student)
  • Representatives from Lancaster University staff

Coordination needs to begin a month before the event, to ensure all parties are available and prepared.

The University Press Office is notified, so that information can be circulated to staff and students.

Parties congregate in the Students' Union office at 10:30

The service starts at 10:40

A block rocker and microphone, and microphone stand are provided as needed.

The Order of Service is printed and circulated to participants as needed prior to the service as needed.