Competition Request Form –
This is a survey form sent in an email to the newly elected President of the club who should consult with the captain/s of their teams.
This will ask you about the competitions your club intends to enter in 2017-2018 and is particularly important to ensure teams are registered in the BUCS Conference League Programme as the deadline to enter teams will be at the end of this term.
Equipment Inventory – completed and returned by 09:00 Monday 8th May 2017
This will enable the exec to keep an accurate record of what usable equipment the club owns, what needs replacing and help to plan for the future with the purchase of larger pieces of equipment. It is also a means of identifying if current equipment needs to be disposed of.
Budget- completed and returned by 09:00 Monday 8th May 2017
This will allow the treasurer and the exec to work out what the membership fee will need to be for 2017-2018. When completing this form you should not guarantee any funding from the students' union apart from BUCS entry fees and BUCS transport costs.
Audit – Form completed by 17:00 Wednesday 10th May 2017
It should be completed by both Presidents and the relevant members of the outgoing exec to allow for accurate entry of the form.
This is in two parts the first part being the completion of the Audit Form which will be emailed out to you before the end of this term and will need to be completed by week 2 of the summer term.
The second part of the Audit is the meeting that takes place with the newly elected exec and members of students' union Activities and the university. This acts as an introduction for everyone, a chance to ask questions from both parties and to discuss expectations.
Captains of teams, individuals responsible and treasurers for entering individuals into the BUCS competitions will also be require to attend
Towards the end of the summer term there will be compulsory training sessions and invitations to these will be sent out later
- BUCS Captains Training
- One for the weekly league Captains
- One for the Individual Championship Captains
- Treasurer Training
Below is the checklist of things we advise your outgoing and incoming exec work through to complete your handover:
If, once reading all this information, you still have questions regarding a handover for you club please contact us.
*Although the students' union publish generic role descriptions (see here) due to the nature of different sports this does vary from club to club which is why clubs need to do their own handovers.