Open ERS – select staff member

Open findmyshift – select staff member

1. Check the hours on both systems match.  To ensure staff are paid correctly and your budget does not go over.

If the hours match move on to step 2.

If the hours are different.  Check which is correct. 

- If ERS is correct update findmyshift accordingly. Move on to step 2

- If findmyshift is correct where possible update ERS accordingly. Move on to step 2

- If it cannot be established which is correct at this point do not authorise the timesheet on ERS.  Contact the student involved and clarify the situation first. Then start again from step 1


2. Check that the total pay is matches on both systems. To ensure the staff are correctly paid

If the total pay matches skip to step 4.

If the total pay doesn’t match move to step 3.

3. Check that the hourly rates for each shift on both systems match.  Please note you need to check the rate for any standard hours and for any supervisory ( exceptional rate hours) separately.  To ensure the staff are correctly paid for both standard and supervisory (exceptional) shifts

If the rates match move on to step 4

If the rates differ or no rate is shown. Check what the correct rates are.

- If ERS is correct update findmyshift accordingly.  ( Please note that some exceptional rates were not pulling through correctly on findmyshift.  It is believed the issue has been fixed but take extra care when checking).  Where no rate is shown on findmyshift a standard rate of pay needs setting on the staff member using a start date beginning the week you are trying to authorise the wages for. Move on to step 4

- If findmyshift of correct contact ERS to update the pay rate on the staff member concerned,  Once ERS have updated the rates start again from Step 1.


4. Check that the correct amount of breaks have been taken and are noted correctly on both systems.  30 mins for every six hours worked.  This is a Duty of care to our staff and there are legal responsibilities to ensure staff take their breaks.


If both systems match and are correct. Authorise the timesheet on ERS.

If both systems do not match or there is an issue with the amount of time listed for breaks

- If ERS is correct update findmyshift accordingly. Authorise the timesheet on ERS

- If findmyshift is correct where possible update ERS accordingly. Authorise the timesheet on ERS

- If neither are correct.  Correct the breaks on both findmyshift and ERS accordingly.  Authorise the timesheet on ERS.

- If neither are correct but it cannot be established which breaks should or have been taken.  Do not authorise the timesheet on ERS.  Contact the student involved and clarify the situation first. Then start again from step 1