Registering as a driver
Please make sure that before you start filling in the registration form, that you have a photo of the front and back of you card license ready to upload, and that you give permission for us to check with the DVLA to ensure you have no points.
Registering your vehicle
Once you have registered as a driver, you then need to register your car with the students' union.
Does this make me eligible for a parking permit?
If your group’s activity takes place off campus and you need to transport individuals/equipment on a regular basis using your own car, we can authorise a limited number of members of your group to apply for a car parking permit. Please print off and fill in the Parking Permit Form attached below, and bring it to the activities desk in the students' union. You will be contacted about your application once a decision has been made.
Please note that in order to qualify, you must be living on campus as the university will not issue permits to students who live off campus. The Student Car Parking Policy 2020/21 attached below gives more details about potential eligibility.