As a society exec you are responsible for managing your society's page on our website. You can edit this page to share all the relevant information of your society, create membership types for your new members to join, organise events and sell tickets online.  

In order to be able to edit your site, you need to become an administrator on Union Cloud to have full access to the page. To become an administrator you need to complete the Data Protection training, which you can find more information about here.

To access your group's page, please go to our website and click sign in (top right corner of the page). Once you have signed in, you can click on the 'Dashboard' which will appear right under your name in the top right corner of the website (where you signed in). 

You can also find more information on the different processes in the following articles: 

How do I manage events online within my society or club?

How do I manage my user groups?

How do I edit a membership type for my group?

If you have any technical issues or questions about the process, you can contact us on email address.