If you would no longer like your Society to operate, or you'd like to disaffiliate from Lancaster University Students' Union, then you need to email societyhelp@lancastersu.co.uk
We'll remove your Society from the Students' Union website, and notify ISS that your society email address is no longer in use. Your bank account signatories will also need to inform the bank that you'd like to close the account.
All society equipment and assets must be returned to the Student Union.
If you'd still like to run activities, but without affiliation to the Students' Union please be aware of the following:
- The group cannot use "Lancaster University" within the groups name, without written permission from Lancaster University.
- The group will have no insurance cover, unless a policy is directly purchased by the group.
- The group cannot book rooms on campus free of charge, and may be eligible to pay any hire charges if space is used on campus.
- The group will be unable to apply for Students' Union funding.
- The group will not be eligible to use an @lancaster.ac.uk email address
- The group will be subject to external charges for Freshers Fair and Farmers Market stalls
- The group will be unable to hire Students' Union equipment, for example lights and sound equipment