If you have attended one of our workshops and feel ready to start working through the application pack we would recommend that you have completed the below steps before starting your application. 

It is compulsory that the following are completed and submitted alongside your application, these steps will also need to be completed on an annual basis to re-affiliate your society with the Students' Union.

1. New Exec Registration Form & Memberlist - You will need to have a President, Secretary & Treasurer that are current students along with at least 15 students that have joined your society.

2. A month by month detailed projected income and expenditure breakdown (cash flow and budget)

This should include a full break down of your groups projected income & expenditure for the year, and should clearly demonstrate how you plan to cover all of the costs associated with delivering your activity. The society should not be dependent on funding from the Students' Union to operate successfully. (Template attached to the article)


3. Data Protection 

At least 1 member of the Exec will need to have completed the University's Online Data Protection training, only persons who have completed this will be able to administrate the Society's Union Cloud page.

You can complete this training here


4. Managing Safety
As activity leaders you will be responsible for ensuring the safety of your operations and have a Duty of Care to your members.
The Students' Union has a 'Code of Practice' that societies should follow when operating and covers a number of society acitivties.
You will need to read through this and upload this document with your application, you can download this here


5. A detailed plan of activity for the following year
You will need to provide a plan of activity for the year broken down by each term, please remember that all of this activity should be accounted for in your budget.
(Template attached to this article)


6. A risk assessment has been completed based on your anticipated activity

If you regularly deliver high risk activity, or activity that falls outside the remit of the 'Code of Practice' you will need to provide a Risk Assessment that covers your specific activity.

Please upload this if you already have one, the Students' Union can help you with this if you don't have one at this point.


7. A group terms of reference/constitution

This should outline your democratic structure for electing new exec members, a description of your exec roles and any rules or terms and conditions your members need to be aware of before joining.
(Template attached to this article)