Establishing and running a society is both a challenging and rewarding venture and our detailed application process is designed to ensure you have adequately planned and tested your idea, and that you stand the best chance of being successful!
Before starting your application form you should be able to answer the below questions.
1. What's your idea? This includes who will want to get involved with the group (do you already have interest e.g. via a Facebook group?), what you plan to do at your sessions, and how is it unique compared to existing clubs and societies n campus.
2. Do any similar opportunities already exist? There are over 200 affiliated sport clubs & societies, please take the time to explore existing opportunities. We will not be able to take applications or approve groups that are duplicating or too similar to existing societies. This may also be the case where your idea is extremely niche or specific and would make more sense to propose your idea as an extension of an existing society.
3.Why do you want to become a Students' Union affiliated society? Societies are membership-led student groups acting as a community and delivering activity/services to their members and the wider student community throughout the year, you should clearly explain why this idea makes sense as a society and what the benefit of affiliation will be to the group and its membership. If your idea doesn't quite fit into this there are alternative ways your idea can be supported and guided to the right opportunity.
4.Who are your stakeholders and key persons of interest? Who will be interested or involved in this and what can you offer them? Would these include external organisations, University departments, colleges, the Sports Centre or other societies etc that might play a key role?
5.What are your objectives as a society over the next 12 months and what will success look like? You should have discussed this as an Exec Team to ensure you understand each other's motivations for starting the group, and have some clear objectives or activities you plan on delivering.
6.Can you identify and explain what roles your Executive Members will play in the delivery and development of this idea? You should work as a team to identify your individual strengths, motivations and time available to commit to this group, as this will enable you to allocate exec positions. When thinking about your motivations for starting a society, it’s great if you all share the same, but slight variation can also ensure that the society develops in a more diverse way, so don’t worry if some of your motivations within the team are slightly different.
7. What resources will you need and how can you ensure you can access them? Please note that funding is not guaranteed so please think about how your society will be financially sustainable. Other resources you may require could include access to space on campus/room bookings, external sponsorship, storage space and equipment.
8. How have you been testing out your idea? Have there been any activities you’ve already held (or meetings)? Think about how they went and what was the response like? Did you encounter any problems during them, and if so, how could they be resolved in the future?