Procedure for Society Inquiries
Society drop-ins: Society drop-ins run in the SU every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 14:00-16:00 during Term time. Please follow the below procedure:
- Name of person inquiring
- Name of their society
- Brief overview of inquiry/ what they need help with. Is there a simple answer in the Solutions/ FAQ’s that you can find? If so please forward this solution onto the inquirer via email.
- If you are unable to find a solution take this information to a member of the societies team, if a member of the team is available please direct them round to the staff member, if not please ask them to take a seat and wait.
Outside of drop-in timesIf a student from a society drops in outside of this window please follow the below procedure:
- Name of person inquiring
- Name of their society
- Brief overview of inquiry/ what they need help with. Is there a simple answer in the Solutions/ FAQ’s that you can find? If so please forward this solution onto the inquirer via email.
- If you are unable to find a solution please create a ticket on behalf of the inquirer using their email address with an overview of the problem/inquiry and assign to the societies team.
- If the matter is urgent you can phone the societies coordinator on 01524 594 134
Assigning Tickets Please take the time to ensure tickets are being assigned to the right places as this can delay problems and tickets being resolved, if you aren’t sure please don’t hesitate to ask!
- General Society inquiries – Societies Team
- General Sports Club inquiries – Sports Team
- Mini Bus Booking Inquiries & driver registrations – Sports Team
- Slaidburn Storage inquiries & registrations – Societies Team
- Gazebo bookings and inquiries – Events Team
- Technical & Event support - Events Team