To print off your unique society QR code please complete the following: 

Note: It is strongly recommended that a laptop or desktop computer is used for this process. 

Please ensure you are logged into the union website

  1. Click this  

  1. Search for your society using the “Search groups…” box  

  1. Press one of the generate buttons (this will download a file called “Society_QRs.html” to your computer – you may have to allow pop ups to let this process work correctly) 

  • If you want an A3 copy of a QR code you should press “Generate QR (Single Society) A3” 

  • If you want an A4 copy of a QR code you should press “Generate QR (Single Society) A4 

  • Open the downloaded file (titled “Society_QRs”) 

       4. Print 

  • (A3 Files need to be printed as landscape) 

  • (A4 Files need to be printed as portrait)