- First, the President will need to be made an administrator of the club/ society. In order to do this, you will need to complete data protection training found here: Information Security: Information security for staff | Training and Development (lancaster.ac.uk)
- Once you have completed training email Union Cloud at unioncloudhelp@lancastersu.co.uk and state the following:
- First Name
- Last Name
- University Email
- University Library Card Number
- Date of data protection training completion
- If you have never used Union Cloud before book a quick training session by emailing unioncloudhelp@lancastersu.co.uk and state the following:
- First Name
- Last Name
- University Email
- Available Dates/ Times
- Log into Union Cloud and click on your Dashboard > Click on your society > Click on Committee
- Find the appropriate post you would like to assign and click on the Cog Symbol > Click Replace Committee Member
- Type in the committee members name you would like to assign
- Enter the expiry date the committee member will be resigning from the post
If any other members of a committee require administrator access to the Club / Society Union Cloud account they will need to complete steps 1, 2 and 3.