All staff will be employed on a 12 month probationary period. During this time your capability, conduct and attendance will be monitored by your line manager and discussed, if necessary, with the Chief Executive. You should expect to have an initial objective setting meeting with your line manager during your first week with us, and follow up interviews at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months service, where a Probationary Review Form will be completed. Following satisfactory completion of the probationary period, you will receive confirmation of your appointment or continuation of your fixed term appointment.
The appropriate probation procedures operated by the university will be followed, but general advice is:
If there are any problems regarding your performance or conduct in your job role you will be informed verbally and in writing during the probationary period and given a reasonable period of time for improvements to take place. Your line manager should be meeting with you to discuss your work and your performance at work. If after any period in employment your performance has proved unsatisfactory, due to disciplinary or capability issues (or both) your line manager will:
- offer guidance on how the required standards can be achieved
- warn you that unless required standards are satisfactory, notice of termination of employment will be given.
If you have still not achieved an acceptable level of performance a recommendation will be made:
- that a probation period be extended for a further period,
- that notice of termination of employment be issued
All staff on probation will receive notice, in writing, in accordance with their conditions of service if their employment is to be terminated.