Elections are controversial and often lead to anxiety, excitement and upset. It is a difficult and stressful time for all involved – don’t make it worse by inappropriate behaviour on your part and do realise the stress others are under. The following guidance should be noted by all staff members.
The Chief Executive has a specific role in assisting the election process, as set out in the constitution and bylaws.
Other staff do not have a role other than administrative work such as printing and support.
Elections are for students to decide who they want to represent them and you should not get involved.
Everyone has opinions – who you are to work with is based on the election result; so opinions are best kept to yourself. You would be surprised how quickly a casual remark can get back, causing real harm. It can also be easy to get drawn into seemingly casual and innocent conversation on these matters during this time.
If any issues affect/concern you arising from the political/campaigning side of the election [e.g. breaking the protocol] they should be brought to the attention of the Chief Executive. Any problems regarding the administration of the election should be directed to the Vice President Union Development.
Under no circumstances should advice or help be given which might advantage particular candidates.
Hustings is an event for students, not members of staff. Therefore unless authorised to do so staff should not attend or have any input into this part of the process.
It is very important that the elections go well as it reflects on the legitimacy of the students' union if the process is flawed or disputed.