
For the teams who compete on a weekly basis in BUCS the transport this is sorted by the staff in the students' union activities team and in the majority of cases the teams will travel by coach transport and where possible teams will travel together. However on some occasions smaller teams will have to travel by train/car and it is important to seek out eligible drivers for minibuses or hire cars.* If a member of your team/club has their own car then they can register it and use it to travel to matches and be reimbursed at 45p per mile.** This form of transport must be agreed with the Sports Coordinator

*   Register as a driver

** Register your own car

On occasion teams may be asked to travel by train to the venue and the cost of the tickets will be reimbursed however it would be appreciated if individuals had a railcard.

Transport costs only cover the travel from the university to the venue the teams are playing.

Coach Transport

When the departure times for the teams is arranged every effort is made to allow enough time particularly when a number of teams are travelling together however no one can predict the amount of traffic on the roads.

To ensure your teams are not at a disadvantage please note the following;

  • It is vital that the coach leaves at the scheduled time and that all passengers are int their seats ready to leave ten minutes before this time
  • The coach will leave on time and your team with or without your team/player therefore please make sure everyone is told the correct meeting/leaving time
  • All coaches depart from George Fox Avenue
  • The Captain of each team should make themselves known to the driver and in the case of multi drops involving other teams and venues all Captains should exchange phone numbers with each other and the driver. This will enable everyone to keep in touch when it comes to picking teams up and travelling home.
  • The coach is always booked to return after all matches have been completed and at no time should you be forced to rush or abandon a match on the instruction of the driver.
  • Before you leave for your match, your Away Trip sheet must be taken to the Security Lodge on campus. It is important that you have the correct names on this list.

Match Day Information

Information on how your team is travelling to their fixture will be made available by Friday of the week prior to the match on Box in the BUCS Match Day Information Folder